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Cardio Caverns...

Jogging is One of My Sub-Routines

We catch a couple glimpses of Trevelyan during the Caverns mission, and he takes off running - All the way to the end of the level. Normally, he's so fast that you can't catch him...

By being even quicker (strafing and/or using Cheat codes like Turbo Mode and Slow Animation)
it's possible to keep pace with the former MI6 Agent.

Doors in the Caverns are open by default, only closing shut after Trevelyan passes through them.

The big spiral walkway is a great place to take the inside track and get ahead of him...

Looking down from the top of the Caverns...
Patrolling guards passed on the way up have given up the chase, as their boss runs like mad.

Racing him is pointless - Except its a fun thing to do.
Before the game was finished, there was a somewhat redundant "beta" objective to "Pursue Trevelyan".

Alec Trevelyan ducks behind his goons and runs away...

Pursuing Trevelyan... All the way to the lift.

Alec doesn't actually go into the lift, however...

Alec vanishes right in front of Bond's eyes.

Unlike the Control Center, Alec Trevelyan actually fades away right in front of the lift...

Guard Characters in Multiplayer...

Russian Soldier, Russian Infantry, Russian Commandant, Janus Marine Naval Officer, Civilian (1), Civilian (2), Civilian (3) Civilian (4), Si...