One of three opening camera shots from the Facility Bottling Room... [The furthest angle]
As the Facility level intro camera fades out, Alec Trevelyan can just briefly be seen walking on screen (from left).
Normally the scene fades just as Alec steps into it. Some assistance from a surprise "camera flash" that lights up the entire screen...
These "flashes" are happening because Bond is being shot... Just a funny side effect that occurred as Bond's starting position was modified to begin the mission in the upstairs hallway...
In this case, even before the player takes the controls, guards are shooting at Bond, taking serious damage.
(Normally, Bond starts someplace where guards won't immediately spot him)
Just for fun, here's a snapshot of a bullet passing right through our immortal action hero.
There's a
leftover preset in this spot (presumably from
testing) that just happens to be in the hallway, right where
one would preferably like to encounter the Double-Agent Dr. Doak.
Random point
of interest - In
Multiplayer, your character won't spawn at a start
point if another player is too close to another player.
In this
case, it appears as if Dr. Doak will not "randomly" appear in the
upstairs lab if Bond is there.
Decided to put a
camera up there to see what the hell is going on...
Managed to sneak a camera into the upstairs Laboratory. Here's the level intro cinema sequence, fixed on the ideal Dr. Doak spot.
Of course, it would be
totally cheating to know that Doak was here ahead of time - Especially before starting a speedrun. Being playfully inclined to meddle with the game just to see what happens, I couldn't resist.
Still playing that game of Russian Roulette, and Dr. Doak will not appear before the intro camera.
Doak spawns in the spot - But only after Bond's character is loaded into the level. (Seems the intro camera just missed capturing him...?)
Seems Dr. Doak will NOT spawn if Bond is not loaded (or active)...
To complicate things even further, the event that actually triggers the spawning of Dr. Doak is when Bond enters the Restroom.
So technically, the Double-Agent isn't even in the building until 007 drops down from the ventilation shaft.
Totally blows my mind... Attempting to have Doak appear on the intro screen may have been a waste of time - But relatively entertaining (and nowhere near as frustrating as trying to finish within the target time).
(Something similar happens in Statue Park when Bond must locate the
helicopter Black Box. One of several presets is randomly chosen as the game is
Despite not accomplishing what I had hoped, still had fun tinkering with the level setup. It's often a long time between editing sessions, and stuff has to be re-learned each time.
Stumbled upon a few more interesting things about the Facility level - One of the most complex missions in the entire game, in terms of what's happening in the background. The later missions in the game are much more streamlined.
Like many people, I'm sure that I've spent as many (if not more!) hours modifying
GoldenEye 007 than I have actually playing the game...