Rarewhere: GoldenEye 007 Rumor Mill
A much cleaner version of these texts version exists online...
But these are the original documents that were sent to me (long before I had ever published a single word about GoldenEye 007).
These pages fell into my possession thanks to Field Operative Crash (who has provided all kinds of invaluable data over the years).
Here's that Classic Q & A, where Rareware dares to answer fan inquiries about their recently released game, GoldenEye 007.
No hardcore GoldenEye fan will learn ANYTHING from these documents.
Merely archived here for reference (and nostalgia's sake).
These are the original "official" answers to the burning questions we all had...
"There seems no end to the obsessive GoldenEye questions, so we've finally hassled the designer into scribbling out some answers for us. Could you stop sending them in now? Please?"This would only be the start.
"What is the island across the far side of the dam for?"
"It was originally planned for Bond to have to go across to the island to complete an objective. It didn't go into the final version of the game, and the graphics are all that remains. But don't they look interesting?""How can you play as all of the Bonds in multiplayer?"
"By going down to your local tux hire shop and practicing a variety of British accents. Yes, it was the hope of the team that they would be available to play, but for various reason they weren't. You might be interested to know that the team played a memorial deathmatch before they were removed, with the goal of one hundred kills. The winner was... well, maybe I'll tell you later.""'AC:-10'?
What on earth does that mean?
It is a term derived from role-playing games, which a couple of the designers are interested. In a particularly old game system, the better the class of the character's armour, got, the lower the number went... to a maximum of -10. AC -10. Obscure? Yes."I saw a guy in a white tux with a rose corsage in some promo stuff for Goldeneye. Where is he in the game?"
"He isn't anywhere in the game anymore. That character was wearing one of the outfits designed for the Bonds that were removed from the game."
"Where is the 'Spyder' gun?"
"The 'Spyder' was turned into the 'Klobb', which as aficionados of the game will know, was named after Ken Lobb of NOA. [Nintendo of America]"
"What is the point of Ourumov's briefcase and key in the Silo?"
"It was (as if you couldn't guess by now) another almost-objective, that in one of the plotlines drafted up for the game, would have carried plans for the Pirate helicopter, and in another would have had data inside useful if not imperative for stopping the satellite from firing, later in the game. The key was so he could get about in the Silo."
"Were you going to put a motorbike in the Runway level to chase the plane with?"
"A: We might have been. Are you saying you'd rather have a motorbike to drive than a tank? And surely two vehicles in a level would have been an extravagance? Well, if you're not satisfied with that answer (and frankly, who would be) you can see the motorbike model on a table in a hut in one of the Severnaya Exterior missions."

"What's all this about a hidden 'Citadel' level?"
"'Citadel' was a very rough test level designed during the early stages of multiplayer mode. It's not in the finished game in any shape or form, and Oddjob and Mayday wouldn't be in it if it was."

"Is the 24th cheat a line mode/pen and ink mode?"
"No. The cheats were devised to try and make the game more fun in both the single and multi player games. How a line mode would have done this eluded us, so we kept it out. It might possibly be activated using a GameShark or similar device, and thought it is a useful debugging tool, as a gameplay feature it is a bit lacking."