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Making The Rounds...

Sneaking around with the "Bond Invisible" Cheat in the Facility.
There's often a Scientist that gets caught in the crossfire on the first floor.

Decided to follow this Scientist while Invisible, just to see what he's up to...

This guy walks around, looking busy - without doing any actual work.
He must be the Supervisor.

Just for fun, I decided to give the walking Scientist a more prominent role.

The Scientist patrolling the level intro in place of the guard.

A Russian Soldier guard normally appears on one of the level intro cameras...
Instead, the Scientist takes his place. Basically switched the two characters around.


You Must Learn Control...

More GoldenEye Homework

Protecting Natalya in the Janus Control Center is a hectic battle.
Enemies will run to designated spots, so it helps to know where they open fire.

Modified the ROM to station a guard at each one of these preset locations.
It's a lot easier to study the battlefield without the chaos.

OBJECTIVE A: Protect Natalya
Guards stand around and swat flies while Natalya stares blankly at the screen.

Each guard will randomly be programmed to attack James Bond, or to go after Natalya.
Because Natalya is basically a sitting duck, it's much worse if they choose her as their target.

Overlooking the Control Room
To hell with motivational posters in the workplace. Bring in the armed guards!

Guards early in the level are relatively predictable, so take aim and save your ammunition for this fight...
That way you can go absolutely hog wild and shoot anything that moves.

Once the alarm goes off, Jungle Commandos will spawn and run towards the Control Room.
The guards will take up one of six spots and begin firing.

After running down the stairs, the game will send a guard to one of three spots on that side of the room.

All six guards lined up and ready to take Natalya out...
Fortunately we don't have to deal with all six at once.

Of course, these are just the guards that you see coming...

Light this guy up with all you've got.
He's wearing body armor, so aim high and don't stop shooting until he drops.

With the sound of broken glass, snipers will appear on either side, immediately opening fire on Natalya.
If she's already taken damage, they might finish her off before Bond can take aim and drop the guy.

Keep Natalya alive long enough, and she'll complete the crucial computer objective.


The battle might be over - But Natalya can still get shot in those final seconds, so take no chances and keep your eyes (and ears) peeled for guards that didn't get the memo.

Once she makes it safely back to the lift, OBJECTIVE A: COMPLETED flashes on the screen.

Bond Gets Ghosted...

If for some reason you feel like exploring and decide to follow her, she actually does return to the lift. The character will fade away and disappear, just like Ourumov in the Facility or Valentin in the Streets.

Pirate Gold

A Fast Ship...

The French Frigate "LA FAYETTE" is overrun with Janus Marines, who are holding the crew at gunpoint.

(Janus Pilot Xenia Onatopp is not on this boat just yet - She's on another vessel, exercising her thighs in the Admiral's Quarters)

Can add the Frigate mission in GoldenEye 007 to the list of levels that can be completed in just over 20 seconds on Agent difficulty...

Planting the Tracker Bug on the aircraft was traditionally done by approaching the chopper and sticking the device to it...

Thinking outside the box, players have managed to recklessly toss one of Q's priceless gadgets
from the top deck of the ship.

With the proper angle (and a bit of luck), it's possible to hit that helicopter without traveling aft to the lower deck. This saves an entire round trip to the ship's helipad, practically cutting the mission time in half.

Rescue a few hostages and stick the Tracker Bug on the Pirate helicopter.
(Then put away the proper gun and fix your tie...)

"Q BRANCH: As for the Tracker, you only get the one, so do be careful how you handle the thing."

-Official Player's Guide

Just love the complete and total disregard for the Q Branch equipment.
This instantly becomes yet another classic Bond moment.

The Tracker Bug device seems to fly further when Bond is actually running (as opposed to standing still). This gives the extra push necessary - Otherwise, I just don't believe it's possible to get enough momentum for the toss to clear the lower deck.

Adjusting the trajectory is the hardest part. Run fast, and you don't have to angle up as high. Run slower, and you'll have to pitch the thing higher in the air.

Without a running start, the Tracker Bug hits the very edge of the upper deck...
The target helicopter sits on the helipad just below.

Missing the target will produce a FAILED Objective...
However, with the MAXIMUM AMMO code, Bond can subsequently (attempt to) plant (another) bug on the chopper to change the objective status to COMPLETED.

Definitely wanted to figure out how to pull off this stunt. A few practice sessions using the Maximum Ammo push-button Cheat... This gives TEN attempts without having to restart. (Enter the code again for ten more!)

Still need some practice to pull it off reliably during an actual run.

Especially on Agent difficulty, being a relatively short mission, with just a few precise moves to master, this adds yet another fun twist to an old favorite.

Anyone competing for a World Record will commit to tossing the device in the air,
immediately turning around and racing in the opposite direction...

The "OBJECTIVE B: COMPLETED" message will appear as the player is racing for the exit.

Rescue 411...

The Next Variable... OBJECTIVE A: Rescue the hostages
Gotta rescue 5 of 6 on 00 Agent (the hardest difficulty).
The easy Agent mode is much more lenient.

A record setting performance not only requires slick rescues and a perfect toss of that Tracker Bug - But also a bit of luck in the random "Hostage escaped" messages that appear...

(Something similar happens with the game planting Dr. Doak in a random spot in the Facility)

Save a hostage, and a "Hostage released" message appears.
Once that hostage safely reaches their random exit destination, they'll fade away and disappear with the text  "Hostage escaped" appearing on screen.

Once enough hostages reach their randomly chosen safe point, the text OBJECTIVE A: COMPLETED will appear.

With that Tracker Bug securely on the chopper, it's now safe to exit the level - Regardless of how many green-clad Naval Officers are still shaking at gunpoint...

Gotta be good to be lucky, and lucky to be good.

Time it right, and can fill this guy full of lead without putting the hostage in (much) danger.
Gotta make it back to the beach bar in time for Martini hour.

A "clean" headshot would be best in a hostage situation...
But Bond has places to go and things to do (and lovely French women to seduce) so it could get a little messy!


00 Agent Facility in 1:54 - ZERO DAMAGE!

I AM INVINCIBLE! (And Apparently Bulletproof)

Managed to do the unthinkable.
Cleared the 00 Agent Facility in GoldenEye 007 without taking so much as a scratch.
Still with perfect health, finishing within the Target Time.


Absolutely incredible. Couldn't believe it.
How on earth was this even possible?


"I'm not the one. I'm just a regular guy."


No Damage Clear

Wasn't even consciously aware that my health was full.
Knew I had done well, but it wasn't until pausing to access the Door Decoder that I realized my health meter was fully intact.


Perfect Bond Indeed...

With practice, I've been able to make it upstairs to the lab in excellent health.
On this particular run, Doak was in the side lab. No good for setting a new personal best time, but still needing some practice in the Bottling Room, I'm always up for it.

Half of Everything is Luck...

Ducked in to start the conversation with Dr. Doak and one of the Russian Soldiers pulls a grenade in the hallway.

Wipes out all of his comrades (without more than 2 Non-Military Personnel).
(Have FAILED the mission many times because of guards killing Scientists!)

Suddenly surrounded by silence, I proceed to waltz right out like I own the place.
Doesn't even feel like it really happened.
Somehow, it made me put down the controller, walk away and reflect...

Like something out of Pulp Fiction...
Sam Jackson wonders how the hell he didn't get shot and killed by those motherfuckers.


Other Factors:

It was on console, not the ROM.
Recently started using the technique of a tiny piece of paper on the screen to aim while running.
Nailed a few crucial guards with perfect headshots using the Silenced PP7.

Had just hit new best times for the Facility on Agent, Secret Agent, and 00 Agent.
Hit a new personal record for 00 Agent Facility just hours earlier.

Without a doubt, I've never been this good at GoldenEye before. Hadn't played in ten years.
After three months of practice, definitely in the zone.

Of course I'm nowhere near as good as the best players in the world.
Still, it's an unforgettable GoldenEye moment that I was lucky enough to achieve.


Took a break after several dozen runs in the afternoon. Picked it up in the evening, and it happened several attempts in. Had also gone for a nice long relaxing nature walk before dark.

Also cranked down the music - Which I still enjoy, and somehow am not sick of yet...
But it is a bit of a distraction, and I'd rather be in tune with the SFX.

And finally, just switched up to a (slightly) better N64 controller.


Also realized that it was on my original GoldenEye 007 game cart - So worn out that it won't load if fully inserted. Definitely has sentimental value.

For the actual strategy pages, see Blog Posts:
"Speedrun For Invincible" and "Earning Invincible - It's Infuriating!".


Open Sesame!

Baiting and Luring...

The strategy for unlocking the GoldenEye Facility Cheat was turned upsidedown with an alternate method...

Not only is it possible to hit the Target Time by tricking one of the guards to unlock the Bottling Room door, but with some fine-tuning, it's even good enough to earn a record-setting performance.

Of course, speaking with Doak is a requirement to actually pass the mission on the higher difficulties - But actually using the Door Decoder on the door itself takes up precious time...

Having to pause the game, select the decoder, and wait a few more precious seconds for the door to open...

This "outside of the box" strategy involves proper timing. One of the guards on the other side can be "tricked" into opening the Bottling Room door for you.

Requires Bond to enter the biggest lab (of three, where Doak can sometimes be found). If Bond fires his gun while running into the far corner, it can be loud enough for the guard to hear through the walls.

It costs a bit of time, but if done right, that time is more than made up when you arrive at the Bottling Room door just as the guard is opening it.

While it seemed a bit ludicrous, it was definitely fun to play around with.

At first, it was pretty much just something to try on a botched run - After going all that way upstairs to not be rewarded with a Dr. Doak encounter.

It seemed like just a fun way to proceed with the mission, getting another round of practice with the Mines in the Bottling Room.

Seeing is believing. After watching a few videos, this method is undeniably here to stay.

Understandably, it took quite a long time to catch on as a solid strategy... Until someone actually set a World Record using this method. (The YouTube video is undeniably impressive... And dare I say that yet another second could possibly be saved in the Bottling Room - But placement of the two mines to destroy ten tanks is so crucial that it takes a second to ensure it's done perfectly. The person who eventually breaks this record will no doubt plant the mines while still running...)

After fooling around with this tactic on Secret Agent and pulling it off, definitely encouraged to eventually trying it as a 00 Agent.

The tradeoff is that it seems to require Bond to sacrifice yet another Remote Mine to deal with the increasing volume of guards that will inevitably catch up at this point...

Killing them all with a Remote Mine just as you enter the Bottling Room, so you can go to work without them shooting at you. This leaves just 2 Mines in the inventory for use on the tanks.

Impeccable placement of the Remote Mines in the Bottling Room (laid on the floor between the tanks, while Bond is looking directly downward) can have Bond destroying all ten tanks with just two bombs - Leaving three other Remote Mines to use on the legions of Russian Soldiers that will otherwise ruin your speedrun.

Definitely want to play around with this one some more.

With so many variations on technically finishing the Facility mission, what will they come up with next?

Also wondering how many N64 controllers have been worn out on this mission alone.
Definitely on the hunt for yet another official Nintendo 64 controller.


BUNKER 2: Speedrun

Blazing through the Bunker at "Ludicrous Speed"...


 [Clearing Bunker 2 within the Target Time of 1:30]


Completing the second Severnaya Bunker mission in 1:30 unlocks the 2X Throwing Knives Cheat.

Simple enough that it's possibly one of the first Cheats that many players will unlock.
There's no stopping James Bond (I don't know why this guard even tries).

Competitive speedrunners have managed to finish the mission in 20 seconds - Which is downnright amazing. Gotta watch the YouTube video to believe it.

It all hinges on a smooth escape from the jail cell. Gotta spring Natalya before leaving - And then dash through the rest of the mission.

Some players can even perform a glitch to escape the jail cell without using the Watch Magnet Attract...

"Piggy Back Ride"
(Incidentally, the guard in the distance carries KEYCARD B - Which isn't overly useful Agent difficulty)

Outside the detention area, the first set of sliding doors are locked - But one can "piggyback" through by being quick enough to follow a patrolling guard.

Gotta be fast to get there before the door closes.
Another patroller will be along shortly... But to snag a speedy time, you want through that door ASAP.

The distant guard might even see you and (eventually) open the door - But those seconds count.

Just a few bursts of fire, and a few "clean kills".
Gotta collect just enough ammo to finish this mission.

It's nice to tag them all with a perfect headshot... But sometimes going so fast that it's easy to miss. It's more important to get to the destination quickly - These guys will never catch up.

Guy "guarding" the CCTV tape will open the door a few seconds after he hears gunfire. Time it so he opens the door for you.
A few quick bursts to eliminate the necessary guards - But not too loud or things won't end well...

Time to shoot in and out...

Drive-By Movie...

After several clean kills on a mad dash for the CCTV tape, it's time to obtain the correct keycard to escape...

Time to Play It Loud...

The trick is to fire the KF7 Soviet to attract the attention of one of the patrolling guards (with 2X Klobbbs) who carries KEYCARD A (which unlocks the glass doors towards the exit).

If you've been fast, by the time you reach the round shaft room, any shots fired will cause the patrolling guard to run towards your previous location.

The patrolling Keycard guard is identifiable by the sight (and sound) of the 2X Klobbs that he carries. He also has a different hat. (There are a few patrolling guards that match this description)

Can sometimes encounter the guard right outside the doors when you return to the main hallway...

But running through him from behind before he has a chance to react is ideal.

It all happens so fast, but you develop a "feel" for where he should be based on how quick you've been.

The map offers a visual on the best route - And where the guard will be walking. That little stretch between the doors and the stairs is where you'd like to be ambushing him.

The map illustrates where that crucial guard is to start the mission. He's on a set course, and will pass through a set of doors between the 15-20 second mark... Once he's beyond the doors, he won't be back around for another 40 seconds or so.

Seems like a VERY short distance - But he's walking, and Bond is running
(or strafing) full out.

Make enough noise, and he'll abandon his patrol to go searching for you.

Ideally, Bond collects the CCTV Tape and goes out the far door - Just in time to shoot him in the back as he's running towards that previous hallway
(where you just came from).

Going through the set of rooms
(in either direction) will confuse the guards - And get them running the wrong way.

Takes a bit of experimenting on WHEN to fire those random bursts of gunfire.

Get him chasing a bit too soon, and he'll "double back" too far (to where you were several seconds ago).

Too much gunfire and you'll also alert an undesirable number of guards...

The ideal spot to lure the guard with the Keycard is before the stairs - Ambushing him and taking his keycard on the fly.

The target is the guard who carries "KEYCARD A".

Look at that keycard fly!

Keycard in hand, it's time to bolt for the exit.

Grab that keycard and run!

Now it's really time to kick it into high gear...

Getting blasted down the stairs as bullets hit Bond in the back...
Plenty of health to spare on Agent difficulty.

Flying through the Main Control Room without any objectives to complete there.

Natalya will even skip the step of checking the computer terminal and follow you out.

At the exit, and the bullets still pushing Bond forward.
Getting shot in the back several times can actually shave a couple seconds off your time.
Whenever you've finished the mission as quickly as possible, a major variable that can yet again save valuable seconds of   time...

Completely smashing that target time, this is a rather enjoyable speedrun. The fact that it takes less than a minute is encouraging because there's little invested if you mess something up and have to restart.

Surely the developers never imagined that people would be playing this game a quarter century later - Or that someone would finish Bunker 2 in just 20 seconds.

Bunker 2 Mission - KEYCARD A

Altered the intro camera to take a look at our guard.

GoldenEye Homework...

Studying the Bunker 2 mission to learn exactly what's going on.

Wanted to figure out the timing of the guard carrying KEYCARD A, to find the optimal point to intercept him and get his access key.

Also altered the intro text to clearly mark this guy...
Obtaining his card is the quickest way out of the building.

Various playthrus, therefore the guard's face is different.
When the mission starts, the guard begins in the dark "maze" near the drone guns. He begins his patrol, soon walking into the brightly-lit hallway...

Looking down the hall... At the very end are the stairs leading to the "big Control Room".
Ideally, Bond will ambush this guy somewhere in this short stretch, just second later...

More exploration with the Bond Invisible Cheat turned ON.
Can see exactly where the guard with Keycard A makes his turn away from the main hallway - And why it's so important to get him running at just the right moment.

Bond Invisible.
Playing "Super-Spy": Doing some reconnaissance before playing the mission...

During the speedrun, Bond will be exiting the door (visible in the left of the frame). Get the guard to abandon his route and come looking for you, instead of the other way around...

Once he gets past the next set of doors, it can be difficult to make enough noise (without rousing too many other guards).

Alert him too soon and he'll run back towards the start of the mission, which is even worse.

For more on the guard who carries Keycard A (including an overhead map with his route), see Blog Post: Bunker 2: Speedrun

Luring this guard to the proper spot is pretty much essential to setting a fast time...

The GoldenEye World Record for the Bunker 2 mission on Agent currently stands at 20 seconds!
Less than twenty players in the world have accomplished this feat.

World Records often stand for a few years before they are broken...
In April of 2021, Speedrunner Carl-Magnus Wall managed to set a few new benchmarks in a short timreframe.

With three new records in the span of a week, Wall bested his own time by a single second each time.
(Going from 23 seconds, 22 seconds, 21 seconds, and ultimately hitting 20 seconds on April 27, 2021)

Evolution of the Bunker 2 World Records:

Looking Back at The Bond Booklet...

GoldenEye 007 Instruction Manual Page 16-17 A few favorite (and consecutive) pages from the GoldenEye 007 booklet that came with the game....