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A Real Labor of Love

Things Are Shaping Up Nicely...

Piece of spectacular From Russia With Love art
by Dick Bobnick

From Russia With Love is just the second appearance by Ian Fleming's James Bond 007 on the bigscreen.

Many fans of Fleming's original works have cited it as their favorite Bond film.

The audience is officially introduced to the headquarters of the SPECTRE crime syndicate, including the first visual of "Number One" (aka Bloefeld) as a shadowy figure petting a cat.

The film also gave us SPECTRE Operative Rosa Klebb - Famously spoofed as henchwoman Frau Farbissina in the Austin Powers series.





[Bond #2]


"A cold War thriller involving Bond's mission to acquire a valuable Russian decoding machine... balances danger, romance, suspense, story, character development and action. A train car battle between Bond and S.P.E.C.T.R.E. assassin Red Grant (Robert Shaw) stands as, arguably, one of the best 'fight scenes' in movie history. The famed 'gypsy camp' scene - sexy, tense and violent - is one of the most memorable in the series.

RUSSIA is the first Bond story to introduce clever espionage gadgetry. This film is also the first to feature series mainstay Desmond Llewelyn as Major Boothroyd - Better known as Q - the supplier of 007's special equipment."

-The Best of Bond... James Bond Movie Soundtrack

"Bond, himself, doesn’t even appear in the novel until chapter 11, and appearing this late in the story would never work in a James Bond film.

One scene had been shot that could introduce 007 in the opening minutes without jeopardizing the story.

The scene never appears in the novel, and involved killing James Bond in the first few minutes.

Bond’s death is pure misdirection. Moments later, a face mask is removed from the corpse to reveal someone else entirely. The glimpse of Sean Connery keeps the focus on James Bond.

The problem was how to open the movie with the scene. The decision was to place the Gunbarrel logo at the start, and then finish this scene with the opening credits and musical score.

Separating the scene from the rest of the film made the scene impactful.

The now iconic pre-title sequence would not exist if there hadn’t been a problem with introducing James Bond earlier in From Russia With Love."

Daniel Rennie

[Following the intro, Connery doesn't appear onscreen again until nearing the 18-minute mark]

"The pre-title sequence in From Russia With Love is dark, in a maze, in a garden and Bond is stalking or being stalked by a shadowy figure...

Bonds's opponent catches him in a grip, draws a cord from his watch and proceeds to garotte our hero. As Bond falls down dead, massive lights go up and a man walks forward from the audience watching the scene. He bends down and removes a mask from the dead body, making it clear that it is not 007 who has bitten the dust. It has all been a rehearsal...

...The next new element follows immediately - The titles. The credits are projected onto the undulating body of a female dancer. It is a striking prelude to the main action which captures the dangerous and exciting feel of the Bond movies.

In addition, From Russia With Love is funnier than its predecessor. It has not yet quite developed into the distinctive Bond humor that audiences have grown to know and love...

The humor largely consists of Bond throwing in witty one-liners usually delivered fairly dead-pan by Connery immediately after some vicious act of violence.

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin


Tatiana Romanova, a Russian cypher clerk, has said she will defect with a valuable cypher machine, known as a Lektor, if James Bond (with whom she has fallen in love) goes to Istanbul to pick her up.

Unknown to M and 007, SPECTRE are behind the scheme. They have three motives: to set the Russians and English at odds with one another; to profit from the deal when they sell the Lektor back to the Russians; and to lure Bond to his death in revenge for killing their operative, Dr. No.

Even if the plot is somewhat transparent, it will work, they reason, because the British can never resist a trap.

(They see it as a challenge)

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin

"The second film in the 007 series, From Russia With Love fits nicely alongside its predecessor, Dr. No. There are many correspondences between the two films, from large structural patterns, such as the time each film takes to introduce James Bond, to the repetition of small events, such as Bond bedding Sylvia Trench back in England before embarking on his mission abroad.

Many of these patterns, such as Bond's flirting with Miss Moneypenny, eventually became the templates that James Bond films are now largely constructed from.

The pair are lean yet muscular films, and they are both more concerned with actual spying than other Bond movies.

...The film enters a superb half-hour sequence aboard the Orient Express. These are among the very best in the Bond canon. The confined setting aboard the luxurious train and a steam-filled station creates a wonderfully tense and ominous atmosphere, as Grant insinuates himself amongst Bond and Tatiana.

The entire train sequence is very Hitchcockian, as the audience knows that Grant is bad, but this information is withheld from the main characters in order to generate suspense.

Thus, as the Bond movies were forging new ground for action filmmaking, they are were also borrowing from the styles of the time. The sequence culminates in a two-minute, tour-de-force fight scene between Bond and Grant.

Taking place in extremely close quarters—a pair of attached sleeping cars aboard the train—the fight is an explosive assemblage of fast cuts and angle changes.

In terms of film form, the scene is years ahead of its time, and it holds up as one of the most gritty, intense, riveting onscreen brawls in movie history. Connery and Shaw performed most of the fight themselves, and apparently it took three weeks to film."

-Anton Bergstrom


James Bond


Tatiana Romanova


Kerim Bey


Rosa Klebb


Red Grant




Sylvia Trench




Major Boothroyd / Q


Miss Moneypenny


  Ernst Stavro Blofeld [Villain]

"From Russia With Love introduces Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the head of SPECTRE and always referred to as Number 1.

Although his face is not seen in this film, he's immediately identifyable by the white cat that is always with him.

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin

"Dr. No (Joseph Wiseman) was the first SPECTRE operative to face James Bond onscreen, but From Russia With Love gave audiences their first glimpse of the organization’s sinister leader, Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

Anthony Dawson was the physical presence of Blofeld. (He had portrayed Professor R.J. Dent in Dr. No).

Blofeld’s voice was provided by Austrian actor, Eric Pohlmann.

Both Dawson and Pohlmann returned as Blofeld in Thunderball.

Blofeld’s distinctive white Persian cat was also introduced in this film, not having featured in Ian Fleming’s Bond novels, after screenwriters, Richard Maibaum and Wolf Mankowitz’s earlier suggestion for Dr. No to have either had or (strangely) been a monkey was rejected. Blofeld’s cat has since become the villain’s defining characteristic.

-Richard Hiron

  Donovan "Red" Grant [Villain]

"Homocidal Paranoia... Superb Material."

The real villain of the piece is Red Grant, the assassin of the pre-title sequence. He is a convicted muderer who escaped from a British top-security jail in 1960 and was recruited by SPECTRE two years later...

His response to SPECTRE's training has been so satisfactory that he is chosen for the starring role to assassinate Bond.

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin

  Rosa Klebb [Villain]

"Blofeld's Number 3 is Rosa Klebb, a recent ex-head of operations for Soviet Intelligence (known as SMERSH).

Considered a beauty in her youth, Lenya gives a remarkable performance as the frumpily dressed, red-haired SPECTRE operative.

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin

  Tatiana Romanova


First seen wearing a choker collar, thigh-high stockings - And nothing else.

"My friends call me 'Tanya'."

"Tatiana Romanova may think she is helping her country by obeying Rosa Klebb. In fact, she in unwittingly aiding SPECTRE."

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin

"Bond spends most of the film with double-agent Tatiana Romanova, played by stunning Italian actress Daniela Bianchi. Due to her thick accent, she was dubbed over by Barbara Jefford.

Tatiana, ostensibly a Russian spy, is neither particularly dangerous nor exactly a damsel in distress. Instead, she plays more a genuine love interest for the better part of the film, also assisting in the procuring of the cryptographic device. At the age of only 21, she was also the youngest 'leading' Bond girl."


  Girl-On-Girl Action

"In the girl-fight at the gypsy camp, Zora is played by former Miss Jamaica, Martine Beswick and Vida by former Miss Israel, Aliza Gur.

The fight involves hair-pulling, finger-bending and biting as the girls have no holds barred to win the man they both want.

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin

  Belly Dancer

At the Gypsy Camp, Bond (and the audience) gets treated to the stunning visuals of an extremely talented belly dancer.

Her hypnotic movements are observed by the gentlemen, who sit around the table and enjoy swigs of liquor.

The dancing girl pays particular interest to 007, who later tells the host that his hospitality overwhelms him.

This very talented girl was apparently portrayed by Lisa Guiraut.





The Midas Touch...

 "What's Your Game, Mr. Bond?"

The iconic movie Goldfinger stands up as an all-round fan favorite James Bond film.
Many Bond cliches have their roots in this third installment of the 007 franchise.

Even the mute henchman Oddjob regularly appears on lists of best all-time Bond villains.

Golden Girl

The film's "Cover Girl" Jill Masterson (portrayed by actress Shirley Eaton) was a tragic character who met her fate being asphyxiated in gold paint.

Lore often misstates that the character was completely nude - Some art depicts her as such.

It's also been said that she wore a thong (technically I'd consider it to be a tanga).





[Bond #3]


"Sean Connery returns as Agent 007 and faces off with a maniacal villain bent on destroying all the gold in Fort Knox - and obliterating the world economy! Goldfinger is 'the best... of all the Bonds' - Roger Ebert"

-Goldfinger 2008 DVD

"...A fully-armed Aston Martin DB-5, a nude woman painted from head to toe in gold paint, the mute Korean manservant -- Oddjob -- with his steel-rimmed bowler, Bond's near-emasculation by a laser beam atop a gold table...

This third adventure brought cinema's James Bond to a new level of popularity. 'Bond is Back' touted all the ads, and indeed he was...

Shirley Bassey's powerful rendition of Goldfinger not only added a rich shimmer to this third James Bond movie, it created the first American hit song out of a Bond title theme."

-The Best of Bond... James Bond Movie Soundtrack

"The classic title song was performed by Shirley Bassey , whose powerful vocals helped propel [the] soundtrack album to number eight on Billboard... The song makes a subtle reappearance in On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1971) when a janitor whistles the tune...Goldfinger" theme sung by Shirley Bassey"

-James Bond Special Edition DVD

"Ian Flemming died shortly before the film's release, never knowing how popular the films based on his novels were eventually to become"

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin


James Bond


Auric Goldfinger


Pussy Galore


Jill Masterson


Tilly Masterson








Felix Leiter


Miss Moneypenny


  GOLDFINGER [villain]


"Obsessed to the point of madness with gold... in love with its color and brilliance all his life...

He has amassed his wealth through a crafty method of smuggling...

Goldfinger has elaborately planned 007's death by means of a laser beam slowly cutting its way between the legs of Bond, who asks Goldfinger if he expects him to talk...

The incorrigible villain replies, 'No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die'.

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin

  ODDJOB [villain]


"A diminutive villain sporting a bowler hat. He's small and deadly."

-GoldenEye 007 Instruction Booklet

We're led to believe that Oddjob is from Korea...

"...Actor Harold Sakata was a Hawaiian wrestler billed as 'The Great Togo' before he worked on Goldfinger...

Won a silver medal for the USA weightlifting in the 1948 Olympics...

Knowledge of judo and karate...

Renowned for his coldly unexpressive countenance - a feature which obviously stood him in good stead for the equally unresponsive Oddjob.

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin


"Jill Masterson finds a novel way of playing Goldfinger's game - using binoculars and a miniature radio to spy on the opposition card hand."

He pays me... And to be seen with him - Just seen."


"The film's most indelible image is undoubtedly Jill Masterson's gold-painted corpse, which required actress Shirley Eaton to undergo two hours of make-up... a patch of skin over her stomach was left uncovered to prevent the epiderman asphyxiation that her character suffered"

-James Bond Special Edition DVD (circa 2000)


"Shirley wasn't completely naked during the gold paint scenes, she wore a thong and just to be safe the makeup artist, Paul Rabiger left a small patch of skin about 6-inches long on her abdomen as a safety precaution and the studio even had doctors on standby for Miss Eaton's safety."




GoldenEye 007 Controller Setting 2.3 Galore is of course named after one of the most memorable Bond Girls.

"The unforgettably named Pussy Galore is played by Honor Blackman... Ms. Galore is first and foremost an ace pilot, indeed Goldfinger's personal one, who is training a squad of female aviatrix to spray a deadly nerve gas around the fort Knox area..."

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin


Keep On Truckin'

Standard Operating Procedures...


Promotional image scanned from the GoldenEye Special Edition DVD.

Natalya's lower back may distract one's attention from the legion of troops at the bottom portion of this "mini-poster".

Pair of trucks in photo with a backdrop that closely resembles the Dam/Runway of Arkangel(sk).
Can't seem to find these vehicles in the movie.
Two different trucks can be briefly seen parked outside the Archives in St. Petersburg.

Definitely perplexed by this image... Was it part of a scene?
It looks a bit to complex to be just a promotional still.

Pretty sure I don't recognize the central figure...
He's a bit heavier-set than the others (so I can only assume he's the ranking Officer).

The tank is obviously familiar military hardware.
In the movie, the soldiers definitely had Jeeps (or something similar, apparently called UAZ 31514).

Although with cardboard cut-outs, bluescreen and other effects, it's hard to say what's actually real.

(A moving Jeep was also something that was intended for the game, and was either never finished nor implemented completely)

It's the pair of trucks has caught my attention....

Of course there's a lone truck at the beginning of the Dam mission in the GoldenEye game. It may help "guide" a new player further into the level, and can be used as cover.

But was the truck completely invented for the game?
Or was it based on something from the movie?

The background of the photo appears to be a snowy landscape with trees - Closer to the Dam and Runway.

Re-watched the GoldenEye movie just to be sure, and couldn't spot a truck anywhere in the Dam-Runway sequences.

Right after Bond breaks out of the Archives, he subsequently steals a tank and takes to the Streets.
A couple of trucks can actually be seen parked in the yard (visible onscreen for about two seconds). These trucks outside the Archives appear different than the ones in the above photo.

The trucks are not part of the chase, but may very well have been the inspiration behind the truck model used in the Dam mission.

Familiar green military truck from the Dam mission.

Following on the heels of a daunting tanker truck chase scene in the previous Bond film License to Kill (Timothy Dalton's Bond versus Drug Lord Franz Sanchez), a truck scene in GoldenEye could have been tough to match...

EDITOR'S NOTE: Stumbled on a page where they've documented practically every single car or truck that's appeared in the entire 007 franchise... Even if the particular vehicle wasn't involved in the action.


Just browsed the GoldenEye page on a whim, not expecting to find out truck - But there it is!
Parked right outside the Military Intelligence Archives or "Hall of Records".
(In the very same yard that James Bond steals a tank)

The truck in question is apparently a 1977 Ural 4320.

These trucks are often equipped with the big canopy/tarp/shelter/cover on the back - Which definitely changes the overall look of the truck. With this in mind, the pair of trucks on that poster could feasibly be the same trucks parked outside the Archives...


X-Ray Document Scanner

Also of interest:
"Other GoldenEye gadgetry from "Q" banch includes a leather belt with a 75-foot rappelling cord built into the buckle; a gun that fires a piton attached to a power-retractable high tensile wire designed to support Bond's weight; a silver tray which doubles as an X-ray document scanner; a pen that becomes a class-four grenade, and a laser-emitting watch that also serves as an arming device."
-GoldenEye Special Edition DVD Booklet

Mentioned only by name in the GoldenEye movie.
"X Ray Document Scanner"

Q doesn't explain much beyond that, but the viewer gets a brief demonstration.
The device appears to scan an envelope containing Bond's plane ticket to St. Petersburg.

Of particular interest, because this item was mentioned just once - And never mentioned again...
Normally, 007 manages to find a use for every single gadget that Q equips him with.

That's My Little Octopussy...

Quick collection of notes on possibly one of the most under-rated Bond films - Octopussy.
(Even Homer Simpson thought it was great enough to see it twice)

A significant GoldenEye item from this movie was of course the Throwing Knife...



  OCTOPUSSY [film]


[Bond #13]


"The movie earns high marks with a teriffic scene in which a British agent [009], disguised as a circus clown, is stalked by assassins."

-The Best of Bond... James Bond Movie Soundtrack

"... Roger Moore portrays the immortal action hero... [Agent 007] investigates the murder of a fellow agent [009] who was clutching a priceless Fabergé Egg at the time of his death.

-2007 DVD Release

"Octopussy is actually lightly based on two of Ian Flemming's short stories.

One, The Property of a Lady concerns the sale of a Fabergé Egg while in the other, Octopussy, Bond uncovers the corruption of Maj. Smythe who is mentioned briefly in the film as Octopussy's father.

Like most of the Bond films by this time, Octopussy takes little more from Flemming than a few ideas, some characters and a title.

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin


[Fabergé Egg]

"These priceless and rare antiques are jewelled eggs made by Carl Fabergé in 1987 [as a gift] for the Russian royal family...

A realistic fake turns up in the dead hands of Agent 009 (who was working undercover as a circus clown) in East Germany."

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin

"Octopussy's traveling circus is being used as a cover for a plot to explode an atomic bomb at a U.S. airforce base - the first step in a plan for a Soviet invasion of Western Europe.

Starring Maud Adams in the title role and Robert Brown as the new M...

Notably, the movie's provocative title - Octopussy - is never uttered in the lyrics to the theme song (the only Bond movie in which this ocurs).

The title tune is instead called 'All Time High' performed by Rita Coolidge

-The Best of Bond... James Bond Movie Soundtrack


James Bond




Kamal Khan






General Orlov






General Gogol




Minister of Defence




Miss Moneypenny



Throwing Knives in GoldenEye 007 (Bunker 2) circa 1995.

James Bond has experience with Throwing Knives, after infiltrating Octopussy's Circus (1983).

A pair of professional knife-throwers dazzle audiences with their amazing skills. The deadly duo also moonlight as assassins.

After taking a knife to the arm, Agent 009 was able to Karate chop one of the assassins in the back.

While attempting to escape, 009 was hit in the back with a throwing knife. Fatally wounded, the Agent arrived at the British Embassy, collapsing down dead. Rolling out of his dead hands, is the clue that kickstarts
James Bond's mission.


"Kamal's beautiful accomplice Magda is played by blonde-haired Swedish actress Kristina Wayborn. She seduces Bond (never a difficult task) in order to recover the real Fabergé Egg..."

  OCTOPUSSY [character]

"Maud Adams becomes the only leading female player to appear in two Bond movies when she returns as Octopussy.

(Her previous role was as Andrea Anders, Scaramanga's girlfriend in The Man With The Golden Gun.

With her bevy of specially trained acrobatic women, Octopussy is the brains behind the jewel-smuggling operation...".

-The Official James Bond 007 Movie Book
by Sally Hibbin


Mailbag (Edition #54)

Letters to the Editor...

Random GoldenEye messages, some of them from decades ago...
Seemed like a shame to keep all these nuggets of gold burried in the dark.
All sorts of obscure trivia and musings for the hardcore fan.

Popular topics include the GoldenEye movie and Gamesharking.


 [ATTN: MI6, c/o Moneypenny]


All you see of the Dam level in the GoldenEye movie is Bond coming through the gate, and bungee jumping.

In the Goldeneye movie script they mention an entire dam scene that was totally cut out from the movie.

How Bond infiltrated the dam, and how he had to make his way past the guards.

Also the lookout towers with glass windows.

I have scanned in a page of the script that mentions that particular scene.

-Brian W.

Had previously never seen that draft before - still trying to locate a full copy...

Many things in an original screenplay may never actually be shot on film nor built on set - But it's still interesting, nonetheless.

The GoldenEye 007 team from Rareware visited the set(s) multiple times, and were privy to a lot of "confidential information".

The concept for guard towers can be seen in sketches by video game director Martin Hollis...

Early Design Notes for Dam Mission
(Martin Hollis)


I know that End of an Era thing; Just you really need to visit GoldeneyeForever.com and ShootersForever.com Forums. Because you have missed out on a lot since.

All of the Silo Mysteries were solved.


Really enjoy this explanation. Copying the entire quote word for word. I'm not just being lazy - Wreck describes it perfectly:

"The Silo saw massive changes throughout its development. It may even be possible that the entire walkway areas were doubled.

Silo is laid out like a spiral. If you take the whole map, copy it, flip it a hundred and eighty degrees, then overlap the normal blueprint, that'd be the level.

The Missile Silo #4 is already a huge stage. Imagine it twice that size. Although I can't say for certain that is all true, there are left over doors that would have led out to extra rooms.

You can't see them unless you use GameShark/Action Replay codes. They aren't even the ones on the balcony catwalks, either.

These are stuck inside of the missile tube walls.


Scanned the map from the official Nintendo Player's Guide.

(Quickly illustrated the two "inaccessible walkways" on the fourth floor)

Early Design Notes for Silo Mission
(Duncan Botwood)

Have also learned that Wreck has collected several different versions of various GoldenEye game guides.

Reinserted clipping into the Silo vent area and reintroduced the ladder as playable area in the stage.

You start there at an original beta coordinate.

Silo easily was the most heavily modified stage in the game

Besides this there's also three beta door positions in the stage that can be reintroduced with clipping changes. One is immediately at the start of the stage, the other two in room 12 & 13 respectively, on the east side of the silos quite honestly in a place no rail could even reach them.


GameShark Codes:
Vent + Start Code
81079C2A 2750
801B4A2F 0016
801B4A30 0014
801B4A50 0013
811B4A34 FEE8
811B4A36 FC08
811B4A38 0528
811B4A3A 21EE
811B4A3C FEE8
811B4A3E FC08
811B4A40 04E8
811B4A42 2708
811B4A44 FE12
811B4A46 FC08
811B4A48 0528
811B4A4A 0000
801B4A4F 0016
811B4A54 FEE8
811B4A56 FC08
811B4A58 04E8
811B4A5C FDC0
811B4A5E FC08
811B4A60 04E8
811B4A62 270C
811B4A64 FE12
811B4A66 FC08
811B4A68 0528
811B1E4A 21EA
811B2164 FEE8
801B2167 0008
801B2169 00E8
811B2172 2186
811B2184 FEE8
801B2187 0008
801B2189 00E8
811B218C FEE8
801B218F 0008
801B2191 0028
811B218A 2704

801B4A70 0014
801B4A90 0014
801B4A6F 0016
811B4A74 FE12
811B4A76 FC08
811B4A78 0528
811B4A7A 2708
811B4A7C FDC0
811B4A7E FC08
811B4A80 04E8
811B4A84 FDC0
811B4A86 FC08
811B4A88 055C
811B4A8A 2710
801B4A8F 0016
811B4A94 FE12
811B4A96 FC08
811B4A98 0528
811B4A9A 270C
811B4A9C FDC0
811B4A9E FC08
811B4AA0 055C
811B4AA2 2714
811B4AA4 FE12
811B4AA6 FC08
811B4AA8 055C
811B4AAA 0000

801B4AAF 0017
811B4AB4 FE12
811B4AB6 FC08
811B4AB8 055C
811B4ABA 2710
811B4ABE FC08
811B4AC0 055C
811B4AC4 FD86
811B4AC8 055C
811B4ACA 2718
801B4ACF 0017
811B4AD4 FE12
811B4AD6 FC08
811B4AD8 055C
811B4ADA 2714
811B4ADC FD86
811B4AE0 055C
811B4AE2 271C
811B4AE4 FE3E
811B4AE8 055C
811B4AEA 0000

Ladder Code
811B127A 2724
811B180A 2728
801B4B2F 0019
801B4B30 0033
811B4B34 FFD1
811B4B36 FC85
811B4B38 0479
811B4B3C 0009
811B4B3E FBD6
811B4B40 047F
811B4B42 0000
811B4B44 000B
811B4B46 FC85
811B4B48 0479
811B4B4A 200A
801B4B4F 0019
801B4B50 0033
811B4B54 FFD1
811B4B56 FC85
811B4B58 0479
811B4B5A 0000
811B4B5C FFD2
811B4B5E FBD6
811B4B60 047F
811B4B62 20BE
811B4B64 0009
811B4B66 FBD6
811B4B68 047F
811B4B6A 2724

Freakin' cool, that's for sure.

The Silo has always been a favorite, largely because of the level's complicated history.


You mention the Shotgun in the Frigate mission not being a good weapon for hostage saving. However every anti terrorist team currently active has at least one shotgun in the team. (Door breaching, close quarters combat).

-Phil Lowe

It's good to have a full arsenal of tools available, because you never know what's gonna be needed to get the job done.

I wonder if it is possable to play to play Frigate on multiplayer, is there a AR or GS code for it?

Or (if needed) how would i go about modding my own level?

Lots of fun to be had modding the levels. Can also be frustrating, because it can often take hours get something to to work just right.

There are a few ways to experience the Frigate in Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Gameshark Setups do exist. The best way is via the GoldenEye Setup Editor to play GoldenEye for the PC ROM.

Can play the Frigate in GoldenEye 007 - Or even in Perfect Dark in versions of GoldenEye X.


The location where Bond meets Treveleyn in Statue Park...

If you watch the GoldenEye movie, Alec Trevelyan [ex-Agent 006] first walks out of a structure that looks a hell of a lot like the truck crate where you meet [ex-KBG Agent] Valentin Zukovsky in the video game level.

-A. Daly

So eerily similar that it can't possibly be a coincidence...

That red box car / shipping container is pretty much exactly what Trevelyan steps out of in the GoldenEye movie.

The scene is dark, and it's only visible for a few seconds - But it's completely undeniable.

Guessing that the red crate where Bond ultimately meets Valentin in the game was originally intended for the scene with Trevelyan...

We're also introduced to Defence Minister Mishkin in the Statue level - Who also seems like he may have been added much later in development...

I've known about the running guard in front of Valentin's boxcar for a while. Tried following him, and he ignores everything, eventually disappearing at the bottom of the hill.

He always runs a distance in front of the boxcar, and you'll see him if you get there fairly quickly.

In the dialogue with Valentin, he says that the guards are looking for him... Well, maybe that was used to emphasize that the enemy is currently searching the area.


Always enjoyed that particular line about Valentin being mistaken for a spy... Background ambience like this ( intentional or not) helps add bit of mystery.


About the blue elevator doors in the Control Center. In the movie, "Goldeneye", after Boris made the pen explode, James and Natalya ran to the elevater doors. The doors were the escape route to the top of Cradle, in the movie.


Yet another in-game mystery that gets solved by watching the film...

Those elevator doors are immediately behind Boris' workstation. Betting that it may have been the original exit, the level was expanded, the detail never changed...

Even the texture for the elevator buttons in the GoldenEye game seem to have been inspired by this very quick scene.


Thanks for the Citadel info, I don't have a Gameshark but I did get a new computer, so I booted up Goldeneye and finally got to see the Citadel (among other things, like the Bond pictures.)

So thanks for all the wonderful tricks, now I play Goldeneye on the N64 and the Computer.

I'll never part with my N64 copy of GoldenEye - Practically wore out my original cartridge by inserting/re-inserting it so many times. Purchased another GE007 game cart just in case.

With a USB to N64 adapter, playing all my favorite games (even NES, SNES) - Mostly to play modded versions and experience new stuff.

Just learning that there are N64 controllers with default USB connectoion... That's definitely saying something for the popularity of N64 games.

I was just browsing through the pictures of Goldeneye when I noticed a picture of the Citadel. Now I think to myself, I've seen this place before.

Upon closer inspection, I think this is actually the Skedar arena from Perfect Dark. Mabye the Citadel was to be a multiplayer stage in Goldeneye, they decided not to use it, and instead took the basic architecture and design of the beta citadel stage and used it as the multiplayer Skedar map!

I also noticed another picture a user sent in of what kinda looks like the main hall of the Skedar arena (the one with the giant pillar in the middle and the two balconies on the sides). Has anyone else noticed this before??

It's the first time I've heard of it, but kinda interesting...

Skedar is the "default" level for Perfect Dark's Multiplayer. A few things were directly re-used from GoldenEye.
Might be worth a second look.

The obelisks that point straight up to the sky are the only thing that really catches my attention.
Skedar Arena in Perfect Dark



I want to get a Gameshark for my Goldeneye game so I could try the code for the Citadel.

Is a certain kind of Gameshark needed for that code?

Would recommend the highest possible version for the best results.

Certainly get a GameShark Pro (as opposed to the standard GameShark).

My trusty 3.2 worked for a decade and a half. Got many nautical miles off that thing...

Is there a Gameshark Code for the beta version of GoldenEye?

There was an inspirational attempt called the "Beta Restoration Project"...

But imagine restoring a movie with deleted storylines AND alternate endings... It somehow just wouldn't fit.

Also, the same memory addresses are re-used for different missions, meaning that if you used a Gameshark to re-create the "perfect" beta Facility mission, aspects of the Runway mission would be screwed up and might even crash because the game re-uses those memory addresses.....

What exactly do you mean when you say the Gameshark "reuses" some of the memory addresses? Lets say you put female scientists in Facility. If you would change that, then that might put female scientists in the level Silo too? I'm probably getting the wrong idea about this.

For example, modifying objects in the Facility - Those same memory addresses are used for some of the text in the Runway.

If hoping to play a playing the Runway mission after entering some Gameshark codes for the Facility, you might end up with some screwed-up text. Could also cause some kind of conflict and crash.

Best to save separate codes for each level.

Do you know a GameShark code to modify the enemies in Archives?

Should have the codes were somewhere...

GameShark (NTSC) codes only.
For Action Replay (PAL) subtract 18C70 with a Hex calculator (available in Windows Start Menu).

Replacement digits: Body
Replacement digits: Head


Natalya Mod:
801D48D1 00XX (body)
811D48DE 00YY (head)

Mishkin Mod:
801D48ED 00XX (body)
811D48FA 00YY (head)


Russian Soldiers:


Siberian Guards:


Remaining Soliders:




How about a GameShark code to modify the enemies in Control?

Closest thing I can come up with are the codes for the main characters in Control. Actual guards are nearby.

Guards are normally easy to spot with the GameShark Pro Memory Editor. Typically found together in groups (28 decimal places apart or 1C in Hex).

Jungle Commandos can be extra tricky to spot because their uniform is "00".



Natalya Mod:
801D9BD5 00XX (body)
811D9BE2 00YY (head)

Trevelyan Mod:
801D9C79 00XX (body)
811D9C86 00YY (head)

Boris Mod:
801D9D1D 00XX (body)
811D9D2A 00YY (head)


Replacement digits: Bodies
Replacement digits: Heads


Scene from The Living Daylights (1987)

This question is related to the GoldenEye (1995) movie.

Have you ever noticed that the actor who played Jack Wade is the same person that was in the Bond film The Living Daylights (1987)?

Do you know anything about this?

Certainly didn't know about that...
Of course, it seems to be common knowledge among hardcore Bond triva buffs.

Joe Don Baker plays villain Brad Whitaker in Bond film The Living Daylights (1987).

Haven't seen The Living Daylights (with Timothy Dalton) in ages (although it's at the top of my list for 007 movies I'd like to acquire for my collection).

As mentioned previously, actress Maud Adams plays two different characters; She's Scaramanga's girlfriend/mistress Andrea Anders in The Man With The Golden Gun (1974), and she plays title character Octopussy (1983).

Also stumbled upon another one: Actor Charles Gray portrayed a British operative in You Only Lived Twice (1967). He returned as none other than Ernst Stavro Bloefeld in Diamonds are Forever (1971).


Scene from Diamonds are Forever (1971)

Guard Characters in Multiplayer...

Russian Soldier, Russian Infantry, Russian Commandant, Janus Marine Naval Officer, Civilian (1), Civilian (2), Civilian (3) Civilian (4), Si...