(00 Agent Facility 2:05)
Earning Invincibility in GoldenEye 007 takes a bit of luck - And a lot of skill.
Managed to unlock the Cheat using the Silenced PP7 while encountering Dr. Doak in one of the upstairs labs (instead of the hallway).
Generally opt to cruise my way through the level with the PP7, only switching to the KF7 Soviet to eliminate four specific guards: The two guards outside the Laboratory area (the patroller and the stationary guard), plus the two guards immediately before the bottling room (both have their backs turned, if you've been stealthy).
After a couple of failed attempts, felt the frustration setting in.
In sports, you can channel your anger to become stronger - Doesn't work the same way in video games.
Also remember that Michael Jordan's philosophy is to practice as hard as he plays.
Almost ready for a break - But opted for another spirited practice run.
Giving it my all, without expecting the payoff...
Compilation of screenshots from a few other good runs:
Darting in and out of the little death room to activate the security door.
Strafing sideways gives you speed. Can sometimes even make it to one of the brown doors inside this long hallway without even being shot...
Sacrificing a Remote Mine to eliminate three guards in the long hallway.
Sliding into the problem area, and chucking a mine into the distance - And then ducking behind one of the protective walls while detonating.
Quickly strafing through immediately when it's safe (attempting) to collect a couple KF7s while dodging the gunfire and racing for the door(s)...
Clearly posted above the door: No Bonds Allowed.
Strafing side to side makes it difficult for guards to lock their fire on you.
Activate the door, strafe to the side, strafe inside, close the door, and repeat...
Closing the sliding doors behind you will slow down the guards, and stop a few bullets from hitting you in the back.
Skipping the level intro scenes is also important...
Guards patrol during
the opening cinematic, directly impacting WHERE
you encounter these guys - And which way they'll be facing.
As the guard in the main hallway walks away from the bathroom, Bond could be sneaking behind his back. Some guards are pacing back and forth in a small area, while others have a longer route.
Part of the challenge is that each soldier is marching to a different drum.
(Try exploring with the
Bond Invisible turned on...
Can't unlock new Cheats, but may gain valuable insight on what guards are doing)
Back to the speedrun: Through the "double doors" and the "T" intersection...
Become in tune with the rhythm of patrolling guards. Some of them can be
avoided completely, simply by disappearing around a corner. They'll
continue their patrol, none the wiser.
The above guard is exactly where I want him. Walking towards the Laboratory Area with his back turned.
Licking my chops like a Velociraptor ready to feed...
A few bursts of KF7 fire before entering the laboratory area.
Eliminating the patroller and the stationary guard - With just enough noise to get the other guard to open the door...
Too much noise and ALL the guards will be flooding down the stairs, jamming the path.
"Beg your pardon. Forgot to knock."
Guard just inside the lab can do anything to make or break the run...
He can crouch, roll, or even jump to the side....
These Soldiers will also duck, run, roll, jump and do any number of unpredictable things.
Coming off the stairs, the aim can be messed up.
And sometimes the guards just stare as if they're blind drunk...
(Other times they charge at you in a Vodka-fueled act of reckless bravado)
Fingers crossed that Doak is up here somewhere with that Door Decoder.
Three spots upstairs where he can be...
Upstairs patrolling guard is oblivious.
Shooting at the two guards behind this pillar before they can react... Although on the previous run, one of them eagerly charged forward with
his gun.
If Dr. Doak is in this ideal spot, the conversation text might appear before you actually see him...
No need to stick around.
The very instant text appears on the screen, you're all set to race for the Bottling Room.
Dr. Doak, hiding in the corner of the hallway.
Hauling ass down the hallway immediately as the conversation with Dr. Doak begins.
(He's a competent double-agent, and can complete the hand-off even if you're a hundred feet away)
Duncan Botwood was determined to stop me from finishing the level within the target time... (He also performed one of his spectacular death scenes)
A quick burst of KF7 fire to eliminate the guards on the corner just before Bottling Room door -
Too many shots will rouse the guards stationed in other rooms.
Done the damned Facility so many times now that I could complete it in my sleep...
"I almost killed myself getting here..."
Really only need three mines to destroy the ten tanks...
But practicing this several times was key, so that muscle memory takes over.
Bond seems to chuck the mines with his right hand, so be just slightly offset (to your left).
OBJECTIVE D: COMPLETED appearing on the screen, strafe out of the Facility doors and hold my breath...
"I am Invincible!"
What a rush! Expecting to just barely hit the 2.05.
Couple of seconds to spare.
Also happy with my accuracy and kill count.
Normally score 15-17 kills on a speedrun like this.
Racked up 20. (Must have been in a particularly nasty mood)
Back in the '90s, the thing to do was to try and attain the best time possible.
Managed to pull it off in 1:35. Even captured a video of 1:43.
Some of those tactics were pretty suicidal - A much more streamlined approach these days.
Stealthy, smooth and calculating - But stay alive more often.
Experiment. Improvise. Always have a game plan in my head - But things go awry in a hurry, and quick thinking on the fly can sometimes save your run.
More often then not, it's Abort Mission and try again.
(Seems to save on morale)
Know when to push through and learn new things...
Find more efficient ways to deal with certain guards and navigate corners.
It's a two minute thrill-ride where you can only imagine what it's like to be Bond...
James Bond.