00 Agent: James Bond
Mission 1: Arkangelsk
Part i: Dam

- Neutralize all alarms
- Install convert modem
- Intercept data backup
- Bungee jump from platform
BACKGROUND: MI6 has confirmed the
existence of a secret chemical warfare facility at the Byelomore dam,
USSR. Its heavily guarded location and workings are a cause for major
concern. Nerve gas produced there has been turning up in the hands of
hostile regimes around the world and deals with international terrorists
have been rumored. This facility should be destroyed with extreme prejudice.
M BRIEFING: The area around the dam is well
defended against a full scale military attack, but a lone agent stands
a much better chance. The easiest way to gain entrance to the weapons
factory will be to get down the face of the dam. Q had an idea about
Q BRANCH: Information concerning shipping
and contacts is stored on a computer system in a secret ops room within
the dam. With this convert modem connected to their satellite link we
can intercept the data when a backup is carried out. As for getting
down the dam, use the bungee rope. At the bottom of the jump, use the
piton gun. Simple.

To start off, just move forward, and kill this
guy to get his gun, then just head the same way as the truck.

Follow the direction of the truck, through the
tunnel, and kill the guards you come across.
PICKED UP SOME AMMO: Collecting a KF7 Soviet (or any weapon) from a fallen guard gives you 20 bullets on Agent difficulty setting. Secret Agents receive 15 units of ammunition, while 00 Agents get just 10. It becomes more important to gather these dropped arms as you move onto more difficult levels.

The path curves to the left, at these security
doors. To open each door, press "B" at these panels.

Once through the second door, pick off this
guy, so he won't set off the alarm.

Get to the alarm that's on this guardhouse,
and destroy it. Kill the guards who will come out of that building.

Head to the back of that building, around the
crates, and install the convert modem on the computer. Make sure
you don't miss.

Turn back and to the right, and shoot of this
lock with any gun, so you can pass through the gates.

Stop at the first guard tower on the dam to
destroy it's alarm. You might have to kill the guard patrolling
on top, if he hears you and decides to come down. It might be better
to use the silenced PP7 to destroy the alarm.

Pass by the second tower, and go into the third,
destroying it's alarm before heading down the stairs.

Head along the inside of the Dam, killing all
the guards there, so they won't be able to shoot you from behind.

Use your KF7's zoom lens to pick off some of
the guards from a distance, because it'll be harder for them to
hit you from this far.

After quite some traveling, around a straight,
yet curvy path, you'll reach this door. Make it open with "B"

Move forward, and shoot to attract the guards,
and blast 'em all.

Head over to this mainframe, in the left corner
of the room, and press "B" to intercept the data. Once done, just
head back.

Go up the second set of stairs you come to,
the one with a number 3 on the cement.

Once up the stairs, you'll be in this guard
tower. Destroy the alarm beside the door.

Head out the door, and straight ahead is the
platform. Walk off the platform to complete the level.
