A second page of miscellaneous articles and tidbits about GoldenEye 007.
Because the game is just that fascinating.
(View Part 1)
Body Armor Beyond:
There's a hidden Body Armor in the Frigate level that you can locate on Agent difficulty. The prop itself is completely unseen. It's sitting on top of a metal crate, with a wooden box on top. Passing close enough and the player will collect it. This one is a full Body Armor. (Another Body Arrmor "vest" is available in plain sight in a hallway just past the bridge)
The room with the hidden Body Armor is shown on one of the level's opening cameras. On Agent Mode, head to the opposite side of the ship where you start, and head up the stairs towards the back of the ship. Enter the ship, and head left, down the stairs, and stick to the right wall.
You'll come to a room with crates and metal boxes. The metal boxes can't be destroyed, but still very interesting nonetheless. Thanks to Wreck for submitting this.
Beta in Watch:Bond's watch in the game, is called "Q Watch V2.01 Beta". Of course many people thought it was a clue to the "beta version" of the game. Beta is a Greek letter. Bond's actual watch from the Bond films is Omega - Which is also a Greek letter. Likely altered to avoid copyright issues.
Japanese GoldenEye Cartridge:Someone pointed out to me this GoldenEye cartridge that is shown in a Gameshark Pro Video. This is the Goldeneye game that is used. But of course, the sticker is completely different than the one we're used to.
Guard in Suit?I noticed this screenshot from the official GoldenEye Player's Guide a long time ago. It shows a guard, but if you take a close look at it, the guard appears to be wearing Bond's suit. Likely just an optical illusion, playing off the "fog" in the distance...
Tank In Multiplayer?In another screenshot from Nintendo's official GoldenEye guide, player four has a weapon that appears to be the function of the tank. It could be a Rocket being reloaded, but the aimer is on-screen. So that means it can't be a Rocket, otherwise while reloading, the aimer would not appear there.
Alec Rings:I never noticed this, but many people have pointed out the gold rings on Alec Trevelyan's fingers. Cool detail.
Cheap Gas Seal System:In the large room of the Facility, where you occasionally find Dr. Doak, there are small groupings of gas cans on the ground. If you destroy them, you are sealed in, as the gas leak warrants the area to be sealed off. But if you detonate them with remote mines, outside of the area, the area is sealed off, yet gas still fills the rest of the Facility.
Statue Beyond the Gates:Requires GameShark code "no endings in levels"
8003 0980 FFFF
You can head straight for the gates of Statue Park when you start the level, and exit. You will find the chopper and flight recorder there, waiting. The game simply loads the objects out of sight until they are needed later on.
Even without codes, you can hear the chopper noise if you stand by the gates. Also, when in this area beyond the gates, you can't fire rockets, just like the "Null Glitch" in the Bunker.
Facility (Felicity) Revisited:The rumors are true. Upcoming game Perfect Dark will feature the Facility as a bonus Multiplayer level. The level textures have been revised, and the name changed to Felicity. Sweet.
Complexicated:Rare released information a long time ago that the Complex multiplayer arena would be included in Perfect Dark.
Here it is, with only slight wall texture changes.
Trying the Temple:The Temple will also return in Perfect Dark. I was never a huge fan of the Temple, but it's just cool to see Rare include things from GoldenEye into this new game.
Perfect Dark 007 Gadget:Here, Joanna Dark is placing a tracker bug on a limousine. That tracer is identical to the one James Bond plants on the Pirate helicopter in GoldenEye.
Sunny Daze:The skies of GoldenEye do not feature a sun! This is also true in Rare's Banjo-Kazooie (even in the hot desert stage).
Ambidextrous:Trevelyan is usually right handed, but here in the Control, he opts to use his left trigger finger.
GE in PD:Perfect Dark features some of the levels from GoldenEye 007, with changes of course. So far, I've only officially heard of Temple and Complex, but this shot looks suspiciously like the Facility bathroom..
Drax Corps:In the Bond film Moonraker, the head of the enemy force was Hugo Drax. His company logo, this beaker with rings around it. The logo is found on the Aztec wall, as well as the Moonraker uniforms that the guards wear.
Grishenko... Boris Grishenko."Walther PPK [PP7]. Only three men I know use such a weapon. I believe I have killed two of them."-Valentin Zukovsky.
Bond's famous weapon of choice is used by yet another character in the game; Boris. Of course Boris pulls the gun and fumbles it, but he was still armed with the weapon that Bond is famous for using.
A Time to a Kill:Bond's watch can actually tell time... You can compare the start times of each mission. The watch counts constantly, whether the game is paused or not, so it can't be used for timing anything. Just a thing Rare added in for detail.
More Leftys:About a half dozen more left-handed guards have turned up in the Streets mission.
Also, a large percentage of the guards at the beginning of the Control are left handed...
PD in GE:This mystery box (Borg Cube from StarTrek), one of the unused leftover items still inside the memory of GoldenEye 007. Likely served as a placeholder - As it did here in pre-release screenshots of Perfect Dark.